what's on your mind, noah?

  • will I ever fall in love? and if I do will it be with you?


Ma photo
Paris, 75, France
i'm studying at Paris Fashion Institute now, i'm not really sure what i'm gonna do. If i can't make it as a model, i'll do photography.

mercredi 23 juillet 2008

you know, I'm no good

my addiction to Daim is getting out of hand, I think my parents are already searching for some rehab of that kind. This swedish treat -also known as the Dime bar, in the UK and US- is, however, too delish to not be addicted to. I've tried not eating, not buying, not coming near any sort of Daim -bar, paccages with little 'crums' & toffee-shaped pieces of Daim-, but it doesn't seem to work.
Anyway, I'm not at all fat and I succeeded in convincing my mum this is anyway better than drug addiction...

.... She had to agree with me on that one
*they also produced Daim-cake, but I'm not its biggest fan. So that's a plus?

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